The Political Economy Workshop invites external faculty from both Economics and Politics departments to present their theoretical and empirical research in political economy. The workshop meets Mondays, 4:30-5:45pm in Corwin 127. If you have questions, please contact the workshop organizers: Gleason Judd, German Gieczewski, and Maria Micaela Sviatschi. To join the PEW-RPPE listserve for weekly announcements, please email Nancy Huth.
Upcoming Speaker Series Events
We study the problem of a partisan gerrymanderer who assigns voters to equipopulous districts so as to maximize his party’s expected seat share. The designer faces both aggregate, district-level uncertainty (how many votes his party will receive) and idiosyncratic, voter-level uncertainty (which voters will vote for his party). We argue that…
We argue that inter-jurisdictional competition in a regionally decentralized authoritarian regime distorts local politicians’ incentives in resource allocation among firms from their own city and a competing city. We develop a tournament model of project selection that captures the driving forces of local protectionism. The model robustly…