Professor of Economics
Selected Publications
Lizzeri, Alessandro, and Nicola Persico. "The provision of public goods under alternative electoral incentives." American Economic Review 91.1 (2001): 225-239.
Lizzeri, Alessandro, and Nicola Persico. "Why did the elites extend the suffrage? Democracy and the scope of government, with an application to Britain's “Age of Reform”." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 119.2 (2004): 707-765.
Bouton, Laurent, Alessandro Lizzeri, and Nicola Persico. "The political economy of debt and entitlements." The Review of Economic Studies 87.6 (2020): 2568-2599.
Chan, Jimmy, Alessandro Lizzeri, Wing Suen, Leeat Yariv "Deliberating collective decisions." The Review of Economic Studies 85.2 (2018): 929-963.